Korok Cookies
Entering into the Lost Woods is a dangerous choice. It's convenient when the Koroks simply kick you out back to your point of entry, but what happens if you really get lost?! Have some of these fruit and nut packed Korok Cookies on hand to keep those hearts filled and spirit buoyed! Yes, it's another non-canonical recipe I've made up. I think it should exist in game (but they don't, to my knowledge anyway!). It also comes with another edition of Craft Hyrule DIY fun: The Korok Pot Cookie Jar ! Truth be told, I have adapted this cookie recipe from a family favourite* which was clipped out of the local newspaper in the early 1980s (or earlier - that's a guess. Predates me, anyway!). It's not quite as the original was, but it's close enough. So due credit goes to Zazu Pitts, or probably more accurately, the memory of the late Zazu Pitts. Yes, that really was the author's name! Memorable. Ed.: a Google search tells me that it was probably...